Rules and Regulations as of June 1, 2019

The Nanticoke Valley Cemetery Association is a public, 501(c) 13 non-profit, non denominational cemetery corporation incorporated in 1908. The cemetery's NYS ID is #04-021 and operates under the rules and regulations of the New York Department of State Division of Cemeteries. The cemetery has a physical footprint of 4.80 acres, with approximately 1200 existing grave sites with capacity for future lot sales/burials.

Article 1: The Grounds

1.1 All funerals, processions, and vehicles will be under the control of the Superintendent while in the cemetery. Funerals must be completed and out of the Cemetery three (3) hours prior to sundown.
1.2 All work done in the cemetery shall be done by cemetery employees, or under the control and with the permission of the Superintendent or the Officers/Board of Trustees.
1.3 All persons shall be allowed access to the cemetery during daylight hours, observing the rules which are in effect and the propriety due the Cemetery.
1.4 Heavy trucking or other vehicular traffic shall be refused entrance to the cemetery when, in the opinion of the Superintendent or the Officers/Board of Trustees, injury to roads and driveways might result.
1.5 Cremated remains will not be permitted to be scattered in any part of the cemetery.

Article 2: Lots

2.1 All Lots in the Nanticoke Valley Cemetery are sold in accordance with the provisions of the laws of the state of New York and shall not be used for any other purpose than as a burial place for dead human beings.
2.2 The full purchase price must be paid before a Deed will be given or a Burial allowed on the Lot.
2.3 A single Burial Lot (4' x 10') may contain 1 Burial and up to 3 Cremains (The burial would have to be done prior to the addition of the Cremains.) or a total of 4 Cremains. A single Cremation Lot may contain up to 2 Cremains. Any additional monuments that would not be in alignment with the monuments in that section would need to a flush bronze marker.
2.4 Lot Owners are prohibited from allowing interments to be made on their Lots for compensation.
2.5 Cemetery Lots can only be resold privately by Lot Owners, heirs, or assigns if the Nanticoke Valley Cemetery Association refuses to repurchase the Lot at a "statutory price", which is the original purchase price plus four per cent per year simple interest, before the private sale is allowed.
2.6 All Lot Owners are required to notify the Cemetery Association of any change in address. All Cemetery notices required shall be sent to the recorded address.
2.7 The Nanticoke Valley Cemetery Association reserves the right to remove all flowers, wreaths, or other decorations from the Lots as soon as they become unsightly. For the safety of cemetery workers and visitors no wire, wire fencing or glass containers can be used. Containers must be made of cement, ceramic, plastic, metal or wood.
2.8 The Nanticoke Valley Cemetery Association reserves the right to restrict the planting of shrubs and trees, and to remove the same if they be deemed unsightly or dangerous to the public upon due notice to the lot owner. Any roots cannot extend pass the boundaries of the Owner's Lot.
2.9 The Nanticoke Valley Cemetery Association reserves the right to remove after due notice to the Lot Owner any monument, effigy or inscription which, in the opinion of the majority of the Officers/ Board of Trustees, is unsightly or dangerous.

Article 3: Interments

3.1 No Interments shall be allowed without a permit from the Nanticoke Valley Cemetery Association. At the time of applying for a permit, the following information must be furnished:
- Name of deceased
- Age of deceased, including date of birth, if known
- Place of birth of deceased, if known
- Date of death
- Time and date of Interment
- If not an adult, the name of parents or legal guardian of the deceased
3.2 Funerals must be completed and out of the Cemetery three (3) hours prior to sundown.
3.3 Cremains must be buried by Nanticoke Valley Cemetery personnel.
3.4 Interments in a lot are restricted to those entitled to burial therein according to the terms of Section 1512 of the Not for Profit Corporation Law. Permission for burial of those not entitled to burial according to the said Section must be filed with the Nanticoke Valley Cemetery Association by the Lot Owner(s).
3.5 Concrete vaults or concrete grave liners shall be required for interments for all graves purchased on or after June 1, 2019, in accordance with the provisions of Cemetery Board Directive 201.6.
3.6 The interment of cremated remains shall be permitted only in appropriate rigid receptacles constructed from wood, metal, plastic, or concrete.
3.7 Interments on Sundays and holidays shall be governed by Cemetery Board Directives 201.8 and 201.12.
3.8 Graves generally will not be opened between the 1st of December and the 1st of May when frost and weather conditions warrant such refusal. For exceptions, an additional charge may be made for snow removal, penetration of frost, or any damages sustained to the cemetery property pursuant to Section 1509 (d) of the not-for-profit corporation law. Additional charges incurred in the winter season will be the responsibility of the person requesting the burial and must be agreed by the Superintendent and requesting party.
3.9 All funerals, processions and vehicles will be under control of the Superintendent while in the Cemetery.

Article 4: Monuments

4.1 All Monuments must be constructed of Granite, Marble or Bronze.
4.2 All Monuments shall be set in accordance with the general plan of the Cemetery.
4.3 No Monuments will be allowed to be delivered to the Cemetery until the foundation is installed and ready to receive it.
4.4 All foundations will be constructed under the direction of the Nanticoke Valley Cemetery Superintendent.
4.5 All Bases for Monuments shall be finished true and level so as to fit on foundations without wedging and shims.
4.6 All Bases are to be of flagstone, reinforced cement, or cast concrete 3 inches thick. The Base is to extend 2 inches on all four sides of the Monument that is to be placed on the Base. The Base is to be set on a crushed stone foundation 4 to 6 inches deep.
4.7 No Vault or Mausoleum shall be built above ground without the permission of the Superintendent or the Officers/Board of Trustees and then only in such a location as they approve.
4.8 No Vault or Mausoleum will be approved for construction by the Superintendent or the Officers/Board of Trustees unless a sufficient endowment is set up to provide adequate income to maintain the structure.

Cemetery visiting hours are sunrise to sunset every day.

These Rules and Regulations may be amended by the Officers/Board of Trustees of the Nanticoke Valley Cemetery Association but no such amendments shall become effective until approved by the New York State Cemetery Board.

NYS Cemetery Disclosures and Information